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Amino acid IV Therapy

Amino acid IV Therapy

Amino acids are the building blocks of the proteins used in the synthesis of muscles, skin and connective tissues, enzymes, and hormones. They also help create neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline that influence moods and behavior.                                                                                                        


Amino acid IV therapy is the fastest and most effective way to deliver amino acids directly into your bloodstream. Because it completely bypasses your digestive tract, the ingredients are immediately available for use in your cells. They will quickly make up for nutritional deficits and provide your body with the building blocks it needs for optimal function and performance. Amino Acid IV Therapy contains various amino acids that are important for bodily optimization:
L-Glutamine: one of the most abundant amino acids in the body, helping promote energy and athletic performance, boosting metabolism, support muscle growth and muscle breakdown. It serves as the main fuel for the cells of the intestinal tract, has been shown to the repair and regrowth of these cells, allowing for better digestion and absorption of nutrients. Besides, the combination of L-glutamine and another amino acid, L-arginine, promotes repairing leaky gut, a condition where bacteria leak through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream and cause inflammation. 
L-Ornithine: helps relieve stress and improve sleep quality related to fatigue.
L-Arginine:  converted into nitric oxide, which causes blood vessels to open wider for improved blood flow, strong immune responses, and it helps kidneys secrete waste products.
L-Lysine: converts fatty acids into energy, lowers cholesterol levels, and helps the body form collagen, necessary for the growth and maintenance of the bones. it reduce anxiety by blocking stress receptors and allows your body to hold on to calcium, vital for bone health.
L-Citrulline: new ongoing research has shown that this amino acid may help with boosting immunity, exercise, and athletic performance, as well as reducing the risk for high blood pressure in young adults
L-Carnitine: improves fat metabolism and energy, reduces recovery times, and promotes muscle building.
Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA): is a group of three essential amino acids-leucine, isoleucine, and valine- that helps reduce fatigue after exercise and accelerates weight loss. It also increases muscle growth and enhances exercise performance.


Symptoms of amino acid deficiency
Amino acid deficiency can affect your body in a variety of ways. The most common symptoms of the deficiency are:
   - Fatigue
   - Digestive issues
   - Lowered immunity
   - Fertility issues
   - Reduced cognitive function
   - Depression and anxiety
   - Impaired growth, and
   - Reduced physical performance.


What are benefits from amino acid IV therapy? 
- Improve Your Muscle Growth
Amino acids can promote the recovery of protein synthesis after exercise. With IV therapy, your muscles can acquire the much-needed amino acids needed for your next workout. This can result in improved muscle growth with the right exercise and nutrition.
- Enhance Your Physical Endurance
Glycogen depletion is a severe problem for many athletes, particularly those who rely on short bursts of power. Amino acids regulate the way your body uses fats and carbohydrates for better endurance.
- Boost Your Mental Clarity
Higher levels of amino acids will enhance your ability to remember and act quickly. As it helps create neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline that influence moods and behavior.                


Amino acid IV therapy is not limited to athletic performance. It can also help restore previously lost muscle mass in the elderly and improve strength and mobility. If you regularly feel exhausted from your daily routine, you may also benefit from amino acid IV therapy.

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