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Urine Organic Test


urine organic acid test includes 76 urinary metabolites produced by the body as a part of many vital biochemical pathways that provide a comprehensive snapshot of a patient’s overall health as the initial screening test and is useful for discovering underlying causes for chronic illness including nutritional imbalances, gastrointestinal dysbiosis, detoxification or any toxic exposure. Measuring these markers can help identify the compromised or impaired metabolic process. Test results categorize organic acids into major metabolic areas and concerns:
• GI conditions – IBS, Dysbiosis/Yeast
• Chronic Fatigue/ Fibromyalgia
• Autism/AD(H) D/ Asperger Syndrome
• Mental health
• Low energy
• Depression/ Stress/Anxiety
• Eating disorders
• Cognitive decline
• Nutrient deficiencies
• Headaches/Migraines
• Joint/muscle pain
• Brain Fog
• Skin issues                                           


Patient preparation
Limit water intake to 8 glasses on the day of collection.

Avoid high intake of apples, grapes (or raisins), pears, cranberries, or their juices for 2 days prior to
specimen collection.

Stop supplementation 3 days before urine collection

If supplements cannot be stopped, or if patient has taken antibiotic 30 days before the test, please indicate on the test request form.

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