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Placenta Extract


The placenta, supporting the growth and development of the fetus, are rich in amino acids, peptides, vitamins, trace elements and growth factors, nutrients and biological active components. Placental therapy was applied to promote from the recovery of diseases and tissue regeneration since the early 1900s. Since then, placental therapy was applied in various clinical applications as they were shown to exhibit remarkable therapeutic attributes ranging from anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, pain reduction, hair growth promotion, health improvement, cellular proliferation, tissue regeneration and wound healing. Placental extracts are made by lysing human placental tissue. This process creates an placental therapy that does not contain cells but instead are highly concentrated in proteins, minerals, amino acids, and steroid hormones. Every placenta extract goes through strict screening procedure. We use medical grade solutions that are completely safe and have passes all needed safety tests.

Placental extracts have demonstrated positive outcomes in the following?
- Viral and alcoholic type hepatitis                                 - Cirrhosis 
- Hereditary Hemochromatosis                                      - Chronic pancreatitis 
- Gastric ulcer                                                        - Dyspepsia 
- Duodenal ulcer                                                     - Diabetes 
- High blood pressure                                               - Low blood pressure
- Menopausal disorders                                             - Oligomenorrhea
- Irregular menses                                                    - Lactation disorders
- Rheumatoid Arthritis                                                - Recovering from pregnancy 
- Arthritis                                                             - Nerve pain
- Back pain                                                          - Bladder enlargement 
- Cystitis

Skin beautification effect of the placenta
Whitening - Suppresses the generation of the melanin pigment that causes age spots, and also removes age spots and dullness. 
Moisture retention - The ability to retain moisture maintains moist skin for a long time. 
Cell proliferation and reproduction - Enhances metabolism, normalizes turnovers and produces healthy kin. 
Collagen generation - Supports collagen generation, which determines skin elasticity. 
Blood circulation promotion - Promotes blood circulation and produces healthy, beautiful skin. 
Antioxidation effect - Suppresses the occurrence of the active enzymes that cause aging. 
Anti-inflammatory effect - Suppresses the inflammation caused by pimples, redness or itchiness, etc. 
Anti-allergic effect - Adjusts and recovers the immune system, and suppresses allergic responses. 
Immunostimulant effect - Enhances immune system and produces strong, healthy skin. 
Amino acid supplementation - Increases energy metabolism of skin cells, and supplies material for cell reproduction.  

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