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Ozone therapy

Ozone  therapy began in Germany in the 1950s and has been slowly growing in availability in The U.S. Ozone therapy  utilizes ozone, which is found naturally in the body. Our white blood cells make ozone in response to viruses, bacteria and fungal pathogens.  Ozone therapy works by boosting your body’s immune response, in addition to enhancing your health in a number of other ways:

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1. Ozone improves circulation by enhancing the flow of your blood.

2. Ozone increases cellular oxygen uptake by stimulating the enzyme DPG (diphosphoglycerate). Increased oxygen enhances your body’s ability to fight viral, bacterial and fungal infections.                                                                                   3. Ozone is a powerful regulator of the immune system. It calms down the immune system in cases of auto-immune disease, and stimulates the immune system when it is under active (such as in cancer and chronic infections).                4. Ozone is a powerful mitochondrial stimulant. Decreased mitochondrial energy production is the underlying cause of all degenerative disease, and MAH can correct this.

5. Ozone can boost your body’s antioxidant capabilities.

6. Ozone can boost cellular detoxification system that cab decrease in environmental toxins found in the body

At Himmavanta , we often follow each Major Autohemotherapy treatment by a high-dose vitamin push customized for the patient’s unique needs. Ozone therapy, including MAH, has a cumulative effect. Our patients will continue to experience the effects of ozone therapy through subsequent treatments.

Ozone therapy  is an extremely safe form of ozone therapy when provided by a qualified medical professional.  Ozone therapy generally results in very minor, if any side effects (Direct intravenous ozone, however, can be very dangerous and is not practiced in this office.) Ozone can be an effective treatment for a number of conditions, as well as provide continuing defense against the process of aging.  Ozone has proven to be effective for:
       - Oncology- This therapy can be exceptionally effective when combined with high-dose vitamin C IV therapy
       - Chronic Infections (Herpes, Hepatitis, HIV, HPV, EBV, Candida, etc.)
       - Acute Infections (Colds and Flus, Bladder Infections, Bronchitis, etc.)
       - Allergies and Chemical Sensitivities
       - Coronary Artery Disease and Cardiovascular Disease
       - Diabetes
       - Enhanced Athletic Performance
       - Pain
       - Macular Degeneration
       - Neurological Disease
       - Lyme Disease
       - Claudication
       - Chronic Fatigue
       - Chronic Inflammatory Conditions
       - Auto-Immune Disease
       - Dementia
       - Wound Care
       - Asthma and COPD


The number of treatments that you will require depends on the condition you are trying to treat and the results you want to achieve. Although everyone’s treatment regimen will differ slightly, some conditions do require more frequent and more numerous treatments than others. This is something that can be discussed and determined with your doctor.

It is important to remember that although ozone is an extremely effective and crucial modality, it is only rarely effective by itself.  To achieve significant healing results, it is important to combine this therapy with a complete naturopathic treatment plan.

Although Ozone therapy is an extremely safe therapy, it is not safe to use in everyone. Ozone therapy is contraindicated for the following:
       - Pregnancy and Lactation
       - Hyperthyroid (if uncontrolled)
       - G6PD Deficiency
       - Active Bleeding or Acute Hemorrhagic Disease (ie. Hemophilia)
       - Acute MI
       - Allergy to Heparin

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