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Plaque X therapy

Plaque X therapy

Plaque x is a mixture of essential phospholipids (Phosphatidyl Cholines : PC ) made from soy beans.  PC makes up all the cell membranes in the body as well as the transport vehicles for cholesterol, such as HDL and LDL. Cell membranes consist of a double layer of PC molecules. Embedded in between these molecules are receptors for signaling proteins such as hormones, neurotransmitters and many more. As we age, the PC in the cell membranes becomes damaged by toxins, detergents, free radicals, heavy metals, smoking, hypertension, high blood and the body is no longer able to produce enough PC to repair this damage. Consequences of this damage are cardiovascular disease with plaque deposits in the blood vessels, liver damage, kidney damage and brain damage.  The Plaque x therapy has been in use for the past 70 years in about one-fourth of the world's countries. It was originally developed to dissolve fatty embolus during and after trauma surgery. It is also used to treat liver and kidney disease.                    


Plaque x Therapy is an intravenous treatment used to reduce and remove fatty, hardened plaque buildup in the arteries, more commonly referred to as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic Plaque that blocks an artery consists of many factors, but chiefly two main components: cholesterol and calcium. The build-up of calcium is addressed via Chelation therapy, while Plaque X therapy addresses the cholesterol (LDL or “bad” cholesterol). It also lowers blood cholesterol levels. Because of plaque x therapy helps restore optimal cell membrane functions, therefore it  has a variety of indications such as atherosclerosis. It is given to patients suffering from angina pectoris whose coronary arteries contain plaque deposits, but also in patients with carotid artery plaque and peripheral plaque in the legs causing claudication pain when walking. Because of its effect on the liver and the kidneys, it is also used to improve the function of both these organs. As a nice bonus effect, it also improves skin texture and helps with a more youthful appearance and even certain skin conditions such as psoriasis and neurodermatitis.


Health Benefits of PLAQUE-X therapy
   - Protects damaged heart muscle, treat and reverse heart disease
   - reduce angina pectoris (heart pain)
   - improve sexual potency
   - lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, increases HDL (good) cholesterol
   - improve memory and mental function
   - Improves blood flow
   - Reduced high blood pressure
   - Improves impaired liver and kidney function                                                                                                -    -    - Reduce Inflammation
   - Reduce Lipid Peroxidation
   - Reduce Plaque Deposits
   - Boost Immune Response
   - Stomach Protection
   - Improves symptoms of Psoriasis


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