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Intravenous laser therapy

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The intravenous laser blood irradiation was accomplished for the first time approximately 25 years ago in the former Soviet Union. Laser light was brought directly into the flowing blood through a one-way-catheter. By various in-vitro-tests before it could be verified that biological soft laser irradiation of white blood cells caused various positive effects, in particular expression of immunoglobulins, interferons and interleukins. After the introduction of the new method various clinical studies were published, showing additional effects on various metabolic pathwaysEarly use of Intravenous Laser Therapy 25 years ago used only red laser light. Red laser light has been shown to activate ATP production (Adenosine Triphosphate) in blood cells. ATP is an organic compound and hydrotrope that provides energy to drive many processes in living cells. Therefore, this increase in ATP production can lead to increased energy, better circulation, improvement of neuron functions, and improvement of immune defense.

The procedure consists of the laser light being delivered via an optical fiber intravenous catheter into a peripheral vein in the forearm or back of the hand. The treatment time is between 45 to 60 minutes and is repeated daily or three times per week for 7-12 days.

General Effects
- Significant improvement in overall performance
- Improvement in sleep and vigilance
- Positive effect on the general mood
- Reduction of drug consumption


Special Effects
- Optimization of the diabetic metabolic state.
- State incomparable influence of hypercholesterolemia.
- Significant reduction of pathologically elevated liver values.
- Reduction in frequency of relapses in chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
- Improvement in general health status and mobility in MS disease.
- Positive influence on intractable pain syndromes.
- Positive influence of tinnitus.
- Reduction of antihypertensive medication for severe hypertension.

Effects of Different Laser Wavelengths:
The Yellow Laser
The yellow laser is known to improve the serotonin and vitamin-D metabolism. Vitamin-D is our “sun vitamin”.  Thus, the yellow laser is also called “sun laser”. Serotonin is a hormone responsible for happiness. A lack of serotonin may lead to psychological disorders. Thus, yellow laser is very effective in treatment of depression.  Vitamin-D is also important for bones, connective tissue, immune defence and prevention of infection. Furthermore, it plays a central role in our   hormone system and general metabolism.
Has detoxifying and anti-depressive effects.
Improves the serotonin and vitamin D metabolism (important for bones, connecting tissue and immune defence).
Stimulates the strongest natural photosensitizer Hypericin (extract from St. Johns wart) and is thus very much suited for photodynamic cancer therapy.
In combination with Hypericin appropriate to treat viral and chronic bacterial infections.
Positive results in chronic infections (e.g. Lyme disease) and fatigue syndromes.
Very positive experiences in advanced Lyme disease; significant improvement after few treatments (45 min. intravenous).
Good effects on several virus infections (zoster, EBV, Herpes).
Strong anti- bacterial effect.
Very good results in patients with panic attacks, depression and anxiety disorders (yellow laser IV and hypericin orally administrated; combination with Tryptophan in patients with lack of serotonin).
Promising development in patients with lack of ATP; yellow laser stimulates complex III of the oxidative phosphorylation and supports therapy with other laser wavelengths, NADH, coenzyme Q10, carnitine.
Positive effects on Multiple Sclerosis.

The Red Laser
The red laser activates ATP-production, leading to increased energy, better   blood circulation, improvement of heart and circulation, support of neuronal  functions (in  CNS), improvement of immune defence (NK-, T-helper-, T-suppressor-cells).
Stimulates the immune system.
Activates macrophages.
Releases cytokines and interferon.
Opens the micro circulation.
Has a coagulation-inhibiting effect and inhibits platelet aggregation.
Improves the deformability of erythrocytes.
Stimulates complex IV on cellular level (Cytochrome C-Oxidase in mitochondrial respiratory chain) thus increasing energy production by cells.
Can be used for photodynamic tumor therapy in combination with Chlorin E6 as photosensitizer.

The Green Laser
The green laser has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Thus, green light is used therapeutically for prevention of infection, against inflammatory swellings (edema) or pain related to inflammations and swellings and against ulcers or infectious tumors.
Leads to a steric conformation change of hemoglobin molecules with 20%-increased uptake of oxygen.
Is absorbed by complex III of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and increase the ATP-production by approx. 30%.
Stimulates dosage depend the sodium-potassium ATP-ase on erythrocyte membranes.

The Blue Laser
The blue laser has very positive effects on our immune system. Furthermore, wound healing is improved significantly. There is also a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effect as well as positive influence on hormone harmonization and pain reduction. It improves cell perfusion and oxygen uptake. The biochemical mechanisms are quite complex. However, there is an improvement of ATP metabolism (leading to more cell energy) and positive influence on hemoglobin nitric oxide (HbNO) release after blue laser blood irradiation.
Stimulates complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (NADH-dehydrogenase complex).
It has very strong anti-bacterial effects by destroying micro-organisms of all kinds in the blood (by absorption of bacterial porphyrins and by production of reactive oxygen species).
Releases NO from the NO-Hb of micro circulation (Nitric Oxide).
Can be used for photodynamic tumor therapy in combination with Curcumin as photosensitizer.
Can be used for anti-microbial photodynamic therapy  (for bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases) in combination with Riboflavin as photosensitizer.

Infrared Laser
Infrared Stimulates complex IV of the mitochondrial respiratory chain by specific absorption with    a significant increase of ATP-production.

The UV Laser
Ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI or UVB) is an intravenous therapy that represents a safe, non-toxic, low cost and drug-free method of treatment for most blood-borne viruses and offers hope to those who suffer from viral infections and related conditions. UVB / UBI is a procedure that exposes the blood to specific ultraviolet light to enhance the body’s immune response and to fight infections, and can be used clinically as an immune modulating therapy in cases such as psoriasis, lymph cancer, chronic infections, chronic fatigue, auto-immune diseases, and much more.

Benefits of UVB
Experience has shown that ultraviolet blood irradiation can strengthen the immune system and improve overall health.

Ultraviolet blood irradiation has been shown to have the following therapeutic benefits:
- Increases oxygen absorption into body tissues
- Destroys fungal, viral, and bacterial growth
- Improves circulation and decreases platelet aggregation
- Improves circulation by dilating blood vessels
- Improves the body’s ability to detoxify and inactivate or remove toxins
- Activates cortisone-like molecules, sterols, into vitamin D
- Restores normal size and movement of fat elements

Conditions to be Treated with Intravenous Laser Irradiation


Areas of Application
- Diabetes mellitus
- Chronic liver and kidney diseases
- Dyslipidemia
- Heart disease
- Chronic pain syndromes
- Allergies and eczema
- Performance enhancement in sport
- Polyneuropathies
- Fibromyalgia
- CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome)
- Hypertension
- Lyme disease
- Macular Degeneration
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Depression
- Burn-out syndrome

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