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Lymphatic Drainage

“The lymphatic system sits alongside the body’s cardiovascular system, quietly helping to look after your health”. The reason it is so important is because it performs three critical functions. It supports your immune system by removing toxins, dead blood cells, pathogens and other waste. It helps your body to absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins from your digestive system, delivering these nutrients to cells where they’re used as fuel. And it also removes excess fluid – known as ‘lymph’ – and waste products from the spaces between the cells and organs of the body. a healthy lymphatic system can become compromised due to illness, lack of physical activity, stress, poor diet or toxic overload. This can lead to a range of issues, including tissue swelling, poor skin tone, excess weight, cellulite, headaches, joint pain, fatigue and greater susceptibility to illness.

Electro-Lymphatic Therapy uses this ionic energy medicine created in two transmission heads or glass tubes directly on the skin, to break up the congestion within the terrain or tissues of the body to effectively remove thick, stagnant lymph that is holding onto metabolic and toxic waste that we can call inflammation. Electro-Lymphatic Therapy utilizes a very subtle yet powerful ionic energy field that is delivered 6  to 8 inches (15cm) into the body. This allows us to break up the congestion deep within the tissues in a way other therapies simply cannot do. This therapy removes inflammation, easing the pressure in the tissues rather than masking it or blocking the body's responses to the inflammation. And in the case of auto immune disorders, this therapy takes a hyperactive immune system and calms it down, regulating it and teaching it to function normally. As lymphatic fluid is broken down to become thinner in nature it is moved along the lymphatic vessels and out of the body by way of being delivered to the vascular system just above the heart. The body then eliminates the waste through respective detox organs like the liver, kidneys and skin. Electro-Lymphatic Therapy is the most efficient way to detox, cleanse, and purify the lymphatic system. And free up the immune system to do the job it is meant to do by removing waste that has been bogging down the body and restoring health.
















Electro-Lymphatic Therapy works by producing an energy field that is applied to the surface of the skin affecting the underlying interstitium (the fluid spaces of your body), which has become clogged or sluggish.
The energy moves through the tissue and changes the electrical charge of the proteins and cells, which allows them break apart from their clumps and move like fluid through blood and lymph.
The relaxation of muscles and expansion of the lymph vessels created by this energy field allows fluids to flow freely. Improving the pressure differential between the blood and lymph allows nutrients, hormones and other necessary substances to flow from the blood into the cell bed.
This keeps the body in a better state of health.
It is a non-invasive, safe, pain free, highly effective therapy that very rapidly dissipates lymph congestion.
Blood and lymph flow are interdependent. So whatever helps the lymph to flow will also help blood flow and vice versa.
A healthy person’s red blood cells already have this interdependent ionic charge on the outside of their cells allowing them to smoothly move through the body.
With numerous electrical and digital devices used, we tend to lose the independent ionic charge making the cells clump together affecting flow.
Disruption of the normal flow of fluids occurs by the obstructive effect of clumped red blood cells. This interferes with oxygen being delivered to the organs and tissues of the body, which in turn can cause various pathologies to occur.


Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Therapy
- Stimulates and boosts the functioning of the immune System to help prevent illness and disease 
- Stimulates the parasympathetic nervous systems (rest and digest)
- Reduces swelling (edema) after surgery and injury
- Regenerates tissues including post surgery wounds, burns, and wrinkles
- Reduces symptoms of nerve irritation from conditions such as Piriformis Syndrome, Carpal Tunnel, and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Relieves chronic pain
- Reduces symptoms caused by auto-immune diseases such as Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia 
- Promotes deep relaxation to alleviate stress, insomnia, and digestive issues helping you feel lighter and less bloated
- Detoxes the body, Removing pathogens and toxins
- Anti-aging effects  
- Alleviation of adipose tissue and cellulite Reducing swelling caused by water retention and Improving body shape
- Supporting faster muscle recovery to aid with exercise

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